Boniface Mogambi – Founder of Gamigeeks company

Courtesy: Unsplash

Obstacles are put in your life to test if what you want is worth fighting for because success is preceded by diligence and persistence. I am Boniface Nyaigero Mogambi from Nyakeore, a small village in Nyamira County. Having been raised in a humble background where parents struggled to put food on the table, leave alone afford school fees and other necessities, life forced me to appreciate the importance of hard work at a tender age.

Despite the financial challenges, I graduated in 2019 with a BSc in ICT. I am grateful to my parents because they understood the importance of education, and they worked hard to put us through school, albeit with a lot of struggle. I also acknowledge the impact of the Ajira digital Programme as currently, I am earning a decent wage through online work. My college life was tough, especially after my dad lost his eyesight as I survived on one meal a day. My dad kept encouraging me to push through to complete, and life would be much better for myself and the family at large. I braved the programming classes with an empty stomach. Still, I was optimistic that the future would be brighter upon completing my studies and securing a lucrative job in the city.

Upon graduating in 2019, life did not take a linear curve as promised. I had the power to read and write but not to put food on the table. Job search in Nairobi was such a daunting task and a dispiriting one that it humbled me to return to my ailing father’s home after the mental and financial drain. While at home, a friend sensitized me to Ajira Digital and connected me with one of Ajira Digital Youth Empowerment Centre (AYECs) managers Mark Mundia and a trainer named Vincent, who trained and mentored me on transcription and ways to excel in online work.

Courtesy of Ajira digital, I am now a proud founder of the Gamigeeks Company, dealing with IT services where I make a decent income to foot my bills and care for my family. I have also employed online workers to deliver various online projects and earn an income to fend for themselves. I have been able to find contracts. Most importantly, I am building Gamigeeks into a digital empire to absorb more young people who wallow in unemployment years after completing their studies. My dad might not see me due to his failed eyesight, but he truly is a proud father of a successful man.

Ajira opened doors for me as the knowledge & networking opportunities are immense.

It is the go-to place for all young people interested in online work opportunities or digitally-enabled work. I encourage more youth to come out of their comfort zones and make life more meaningful through the opportunities offered by the Ajira Digital Programme.

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