UHC in numbers

Listen A year after the launch of the UHC programme in Kenya, then Cabinet Secretary for Health Sicily Kariuki said that 3.2 million people had registered. Speaking at the 6th Diaspora Homecoming Convention 2019, themed Diaspora and the Big Four Agenda in December, Ms Kariuki said that they had learned key lessons from the pilot […]

‘Hailing boda bodas’ to get pregnant mothers to hospital fast

Listen As then Health Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki noted at the 6th Diaspora Homecoming Convention, 2019, one of the lessons the ministry has learned from the UHC pilot programme is that to succeed, there must be adoption of technology, specifically mobile technology. But the technology or innovation does not have to be grand. Here is […]

Cancer and UHC

Listen Traditionally thought and seen as a lifestyle disease for the well-to-do and the aged, the increasing cases of children with cancer today baffles many people. At the Kenyatta National Hospital Children Oncology Ward, you will find angelic, innocent, and beautiful children battling cancer. Some of them have been in the ward for months. Others […]

The case of Machakos

Listen The year 2013 offered what can only be described as a new dispensation in Kenya. For the first time since independence, the country got semi-autonomous governments, 47 in all, known as counties, and run by elected governors. Health was devolved and transferred to the counties from the National Government. By 2014, it seemed like […]

Health informatics governance and data analytics, an ICT project led by JKUAT to prepare counties for UHC

Listen The Health Informatics Governance and Data Analytics (HIGDA) is a five-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and mandated to support the Kenyan Government’s health sector, as well as strengthen national and county organisational and management capacity in governance, health informatics, data analytics, monitoring, evaluation, learning and accountability. Through […]

KEMSA’s online and eMobile drug purchase programme

Listen In a public-private partnership with mHealth Kenya, the government’s medical supplies agency, the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) digitised its logistics services. mHealth, a software development enterprise for service delivery companies, developed a mobile and web-based system that is integrated to the Logistics Management Information System (LMIS). The KEMSA eMobile/LMIS system is a commodity […]