NHIF and financing of UHC

Listen The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) is a State corporation whose primary mandate is to secure all Kenyans from financial risk occasioned by the high cost of healthcare services. This makes it a primary enabler of the government’s Universal Health Coverage (UHC) programme. According to its 2018–2022 Strategic Plan, it should do this by […]

Key legislative and institutional pillars of UHC

Listen To actualise the delivery of affordable healthcare for all through Universal Health Coverage (UHC), legislative reform is vital. The agency leading this key task is the Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC). Its work involves reviewing “current legal frameworks and systematic development of legislation through integration, unification of the law, elimination of anomalies, repeal of […]

Proposed lower cost of medicines and quality assurance; essential medicines list, including those for non-communicable diseases

Listen Lowering the cost of medicines in Kenya has been an uphill task, thus becoming one of the stumbling blocks to achieving UHC. According to WHO, 100 million people across the world fall into poverty because of out-of-pocket payments for medicines and related health services. In May 2019, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Health, cognisant of […]

Reforms in KEMSA 2008-2013: Capacity building and coping with devolution

Listen Between 2000 and 2008, the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency was going through tough times, coupled with challenges such as: inadequate funding from the government; overall lack of confidence in transparency, accountability and performance at KEMSA; lack of timely disbursement of procurement, and operational budgets. These challenges were a great impediment to the Agency’s efforts […]

Evolution of UHC in Kenya

Listen The Kenya health sector has re-aligned its policies and strategic direction in line with the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.  The Constitution guarantees the highest attainable standard of health as a right while devolving governance to ensure improved service delivery, greater accountability, improved citizen participation and equity in the distribution of resources. Additionally, Kenya’s Vision […]

Non-Communicable Diseases threaten achievement of Universal Health Coverage

Listen In the past couple of years, Kenya has seen a U-turn – from people suffering and losing life to communicable diseases to an increase in non-communicable diseases. Dubbed lifestyle diseases and stereotypically seen as ailments of the poor and the old, NCDs include diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular  (including heart diseases and stroke) and respiratory infections. […]

Community Health Workers, the key to achieving Universal Health Coverage

Listen In rural areas and informal settlements – mainly slums in cities and towns – people hardly seek health services. There are myriad reasons for this, including long distances to health centres, indifference to health-seeking behaviour and cost factors. But most of these places are served by community members known as Community Health Volunteers (CHVs), […]